Grateful for You!

We LOVE the holidays because we can step out of our everyday “race,” to truly enjoy time spent with family. From Thanksgiving until New Year’s, we would like you to join us in an attempt to slow down and be grateful for your loved ones.
Every now and then we get the opportunity to celebrate thanksgiving at my cousin’s home. As all of our family members continue to age, we realize that it is important to get together when we can.
We are thankful for our family, friends, and loyal customers. Without all of you our dream of having a business would not be possible.
As we continue down our path we want to always remember the people that always believed in us.
We are thankful for you! Yeah you! Thank you for taking the time to read this and showing us love. We want to continue making quality products that everyone can enjoy.
From our family to yours we wish you all a great thanksgiving holiday and blessed Christmas season. May it be filled with food, family, and laughter. Take a moment of the day to slow down and remember that we all need to enjoy life and make amazing memories.
Remember to give thanks for your family and friends…
xoxo From the Basilwood Team